Serenade - a love song over which time has no power

Serenade - a love song over which time has no power

How to melt the heart of impregnable beauty? To perform for her a serenade filled with love and romance. Currently, few people are willing to dare to such an act. Times and customs are not the same. But scenes from films where a charming man performs a languid song to the sound of a guitar for his beloved, do not leave indifferent beautiful persons. Serenade is the standard of declaration of love. The history of this genre is no less fascinating than its execution. We propose to verify this by reading our article.

What is a serenade

In Italian, there is the word serenata, which translates as "clear, open." It is believed that the name of the genre originated from him. Heard in the serenade and echoes of the Latin language: the word sera or "late" once again underlines the evening character of the songs. It turns out that a serenade is literally singing in the open in the evening hours.

What makes a serenade so special?

  • First of all, it is the privacy of the situation in which it is executed. The whole action resembles a theatrical performance when a young man picks up a guitar and sings for his woman. Serenade is a story of two people told in the language of music.

  • The melody is filled with feelings. Sadness, sadness, tenderness, ardor, warmth - emotions are heard in every note.

  • The musical motive is flexible. It captures the introduction, the change of intonation and the climax.

All this makes listen to serenades.

Serenade history

The origin of this genre dates back to the Middle Ages and is invariably associated with knights. The valiant warrior, who has risen on one knee, confesses his heart to his feelings - literally such pictures are painted by the imagination at the word "serenade". In fact, the first serenades were performed by troubadours or poets-musicians who began to appear in Europe in the XII-XIII centuries.

The cult of the "beautiful lady" was central to the work of the troubadours. It did not do without the theme of courtly love, which means a gallant attitude to the fair sex. And this, in turn, introduced a large number of love-knight plots to the lyrics.

Where to look for the origins of serenades? In Italy and Spain. It was here, under the hot rays of the sun, that the first songs were sung, praising feminine beauty. Initially, simple townspeople enjoyed the troubadours' songs. In the era of the late Middle Ages, serenades become the property of the elite society: they begin to be heard in the homes of eminent persons. One of the city's delights was “musical wooing” to the sound of drums, violins and guitars, when beautiful melodies filled the streets and stirred the hearts of all lovers.

Since the XVII century, a new stage in the development of the genre begins. He literally penetrated into all sectors of society: from small artisans to the royal court. But the main changes are connected with the flourishing of the theater. It turned out that the serenade with its theatricality was succinctly woven into dramatic opera scenes. Songs of poets and musicians become the basis of many arias.

At the same time, orchestral art is developing. Seradinous ensembles appear. In those centuries, they mostly consisted of wind instruments. A little later they added the sound of strings. At the same time they performed serenades in the open air in the evening, when the space around them was filled with the light of the stars and the rustling of magnificent dresses.

L. Boccherini, I. Haydn and J. Toeshi, V.A. Mozart, F. Schubert - composers, whose names are invariably associated with the genre of serenades. Thanks to them, the lyrical song continued to live in the hearts of Europeans.

In the XIX century, interest in orchestral serenades began to fade. The genre is again modified to satisfy the interests of the public. So there is a vocal serenade, reminiscent of romance. She begins to penetrate musicals, movies and performances.

How the direction will develop further, it is difficult even to say experts. Someone sees his extinction, someone - merging with other genres. In one, musicologists are one: as long as there is room for love in people's hearts, the serenade will not disappear.

How did the serenade come to Russia?

St. Petersburg, beginning of the XVIII century. At this time, the Russian Empire was in the hands of Peter I, who was not indifferent to European culture. It is to him that we owe the appearance of serenades. While Europe experienced the rapid flourishing of this genre, Russia only joined the Western traditions and adopted "outlandish" experience.

Serenade in the epoch of Peter the Great represented entertainment for higher persons. Romantic songs were typical court leisure. Pleasant and light melodies performed by the orchestra accompanied the imperial family during outdoor recreation, and social events also did not do without them.

But what about love and the expression of feelings? In this regard, nothing has changed even on Russian soil. An example is the story of Count PA Zubov and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevny. According to the recollections of eyewitnesses, the count, using serenades, tried to draw attention to his person, which confused and worried the princess.

Russia also has its own genre of serenades - music on the water. Notable persons did not neglect listening to refined melodies even during river walks. In those days, the court contained a large number of musicians, which allowed to bring a note of pomp and luxury into ordinary leisure.

At the end of the 18th century, serenades penetrated into the musical salons of St. Petersburg, where the theatrical and gaming atmosphere soared. At the same time developing love poetry, literally created for this genre of song. All conditions favor the development of vocal serenades. But Russian poets were not in a hurry to change the typical European plot into Russian. Therefore, the songs still had a balcony and stars, roses and a guitar, and, of course, a beautiful young Spanish / Italian.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Middle Ages, when the genre was born, very few people called songs under the balcony serenades. Usually, the canson, ballad, etc. were hidden under this direction.

  • Every year in Teoro in the south of Italy the Serenade Festival takes place. Its essence is as follows. Five girls on the balconies listen to songs performed by their beloved. But singing a serenade is not enough. After the theatrical performance, the young men climb up onto the balconies and present red roses to their ladies. The final action is a kiss.

  • Serenade or serenat? Experts distinguish these concepts. So, a serenade is a lyrical song, and a serenat means a dramatic composition.

  • In the south of Italy, one can often see scenes of offering hands and hearts in the best traditions of the serenade. It all starts on the evening of the wedding. The groom walks over to the balcony of his beloved surrounded by musicians and begins to perform romantic songs for her. He waits until the lights come on in the windows of her room, and she herself enters the balcony. With these actions, the bride gives her official consent to the marriage. Now you can start the wedding festivities and enjoy Italian dishes, which the girl’s parents have already taken care of.

  • On the island of Formosa in the Pacific, there is also a tradition to offer a hand and heart with a kind of serenade. Why peculiar? Because the guitar here is replaced by a homemade harp made from a bamboo branch and twine, and the balcony is the usual window of the hut. Yes, and for a gallant man formos little resembles: clothing gives him a representative of the local tribe. But the essence of custom remains the same. If the girl comes out of the hut and takes the potential groom over the edge of the clothes, then the young ones start living together. If it is removed deep into the hut, then the mold must be left alone.

  • Mexicans have a particular passion for serenades. Wide-brimmed sombreros, embroidered boleros and guitars are invariable attributes of local musicians called maryachi. They play serenades ... in the morning. So the lover wishes his bride good morning. Hearing music at 5 am is quite normal for Mexicans. The songs are played until the girl appears from the window or goes out to the balcony. By the way, the serenade in Mexico is called Manyanita.

  • “The Girl with the Guitar”, “Come Tomorrow”, “The Dog in the Hay”, “Serenade of the Sun Valley”, “Madly in Love” are a small part of the films where the characters perform a serenade.

The most famous serenades

  • "Evening serenade" Franz Schubert. In German, it sounds like Standchen. The song was included in the collection "Swan Song", which was released in 1828. This work was published after the death of the genius composer. Lyudvig Relstab wrote the lyrics, and the poet N.P. Ogarev. "My song flies with prayer ..." - this serenade begins with such words.

"Evening serenade" (listen)

  • "Little Night Serenade" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This is a classic, created in 1787, and a true example of a real serenade of a bygone era.

"Little Night Serenade" (listen)

  • Serenade for string orchestra was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The inspiration for the composer was the work of Mozart. The work was first performed in St. Petersburg in 1881.

"Serenade for string orchestra" (listen)

  • "Spanish Serenade", created by Isaac Albenis. This Spanish composer did not deprive himself of the pleasure of writing music in the folk spirit. Thanks to this, the atmosphere of Spain is felt in his serenade, when it was decided to confess his love with the help of a song.

  • "Serenade Troubadour" by Muslim Magomayev. Most of the song is known as "Ray of the Golden Sun", without which it is difficult to imagine the Soviet cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". And let M. Magomayev just sang the part of the main character, but the serenade became a real hit. Night, moon, guitar, calm melody completely recreate the specifics of this love song. But the most important thing is the identity of the troubadour. They wandered around Europe, writing lyrical serenades about beautiful ladies.

"Serenade Troubadour" (listen)

Serenade will always be associated with love and romance. And it is not surprising, because the genre was created to recognize in feelings for the one that could make the heart beat faster.

Watch the video: Serenade sung and arranged by Erutan katethegreat19 (October 2024).

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