Playing the chords on the piano
Article for those who learn to play chords on the piano to the songs. Surely you come across such songbooks, where guitar chords with their tablature, that is, transcripts that let you know which string and where to press it to make one or another chord, are attached to the text. The manual, which is in front of you, is something like such tablature, only in relation to keyboard instruments.
At what steps are chords being built - tables for solfeggio
So that it’s painful not to remember at what levels the chords are built, get a crib sign in your notebook. Solfeggio tables, by the way, you can just as well use them on harmony, you can print and paste or rewrite it into your note book on the subject.
American music
Lil Pump (Lil Pamp): interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen
Lil Pump (Lil Pamp) A bright representative of the modern music community, who in just a few years won the charts ratings - Lil Pump. His freedom of thought and the emancipation of actions declared themselves in a rep format, becoming a symbol of independence for the public. Lyrics Pampa - a conversation with the listener, music - a call to the movement.
Ariana Grande: biography, best songs, interesting facts
Ariana Grande American composer and playwright Jason Robert Brown compared her voice with a universal instrument that allows her to overcome any obstacles and resist sophisticated criticism. By itself, the daring and young Ariana Grande was a kind of sensation in the world of pop music, capturing the hearts of millions of audiences.
Jazz quintet "Edelweiss"
Angelika Markova (vocal) - Winner of the international jazz competition, participant of jazz festivals (Arkhangelsk, Samara, etc.), graduate of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinyh. Lecturer of the RATI-GITIS (Estrada faculty, courses Garkalina V., Schukina A., Borisova M., Shanina E., Vasilyeva Y.) Permanent soloist of the group "Edelweiss".
Musicians for the holiday. Ensembles of old, classical and jazz music.
Volkonsky Consort to order musicians "Music Brass" musicians for a holiday SEMPER MUSICA to order a concert la-campanella theater of early music Ando music trio for a holiday Jazz-kvintet Edelweiss jazz music and positive emotions.
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Listen to the music of Rimsky-Korsakov. You will not notice how you are transported into the world of fairy tales, magic, fiction. “The Night Before Christmas”, “The Golden Cockerel”, “The Snow Maiden” ... These and many other works of Rimsky-Korsakov's “The Great Story-teller in Music” are imbued with a childhood dream of fairy-tale life, of good and justice.
Music and color: the phenomenon of color hearing
Even in ancient India, there were peculiar ideas about the close relationship between music and color. In particular, the Indians believed that each person has his own melody and color. Ingenious Aristotle argued in the treatise "On the Soul" that the ratio of colors is like musical harmonies. The Pythagoreans preferred the white color, as the main one in the Universe, and the colors of the spectrum in their presentation corresponded to seven musical tones.
Learning the basics of musical notation
The basics of musical notation are how serious music lessons begin. In this brief article there will be nothing superfluous, just simple basics of musical notation. There are only seven notes, their names are familiar to everyone from childhood: to Reefa sol ga la. This series of seven basic notes can be continued by repeating them in any direction - direct or reverse.